"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Prevent from ( বারণ করা ; প্রতিরোধ করা ) I prevented him from going there.‌
  • Stare at ( একদৃষ্টিতে তাকানো ) She stared at me.
  • Aloof from ( দূরে থাকা ) Keep yourself aloof from bad company.
  • Prompt in ( চটপটে (উত্তর) ) He is prompt in his answer.
  • Excel in ( তুলনামূলক ভাবে সুন্দর হওয়া ) He excels in painting.
  • Engaged in ( নিযুক্ত (কাজে) ) I was engaged with him in talk.


  • In order to ( উদ্দেশ্য ) He came here in order to meet my mother.
  • In force ( বলবৎ ) This law is in force now.
  • Slow coach ( অলস প্রকৃতির লোক ) You cannot expect much from a slow coach like him.
  • a rotten apple ( কোনো একটা দলের সব ভালোর মধ্যে খারাপ বা মন্দটা ) In any group of average citizens there are bound to be a few rotten apples.
  • Turn over a new leaf ( নূতনের সূচনা ) After his failure he turned over a new leaf.
  • Round the clock ( সমস্ত দিন ) He is working round the clock.