"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Replace with another ( পরিবর্তন করা (একটি জিনিস) ) Replace this chair with new one.
  • Obsessed with ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) He is obsessed with the idea.
  • Guilty of ( দোষী ) He is guilty of murder.
  • Capacity for ( যোগ্যতা ) He has a capacity for hard work.
  • Engaged in ( নিযুক্ত (কাজে) ) I was engaged with him in talk.
  • Stare at ( একদৃষ্টিতে তাকানো ) She stared at me.


  • be up and doing ( উঠে-পড়ে লাগা )
  • Lame excuse ( বাজে গুজব ) This lame excuse will to do.
  • Hold good ( প্রযুক্ত হওয়া ) This ruls will not hold good here.
  • In cold blood ( ঠান্ডা মাথায় ) They committed this murder in cold blood.
  • As if ( যেন ) He swims so beautifully as if he is the Olympic gold medalist.
  • Crocodile tears ( ময়া কান্না ) He shed crocodile tears at our misery.