"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Divert from ( অন্যদিকে নেওয়া ) The loud music diverted my attention from study.
  • Eager for ( আগ্রহী ) He is eager for promotion in service.
  • Live by ( কোন উপায়ে বেঁচে থাকা ) He lives by honest means.
  • Laugh at ( বিদ্রুপ করা ) Do not taught at the poor.
  • Pleased at ( সন্তুষ্ট (কোনকিছু) ) I am pleased at the news.
  • Aptitude for ( স্বাভাবিক দক্ষতা ) I have no aptitude for Mathematics.


  • Square meal ( পেট ভরা আহার ) He is too poor to have a square meal every day.
  • Birds eye view ( মোটামোটি ধারণা ; এক নজর ) He took a bird’s eye view of the flood-stricken area from an aeroplane.
  • To the backbone ( হাড়ে হাড়ে ) The boy is wicked to the backbone.
  • Curry favour ( তোষামোদ করিয়ে প্রিয় হওয়া ) He knows how to curry favour with officers.
  • by dint of ( ফলে (সাধারণত বল প্রয়োগের ফলে) )
  • Cut to the quick ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) I was cut to the quick by his words.