"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Believe in ( বিশ্বাস করা ) I do not believe in his honesty.
  • Ashamed for ( লজ্জিত ) I feel ashamed for you.
  • Refer to ( বিচারার্থে পাঠানো ) Refer the matter to him for enquiry.
  • Partiality for ( পক্ষপাত দুষ্ট ) He has no Partiality for his son.
  • Brood on (over) ( মন খারাপ করা ) Do not brood over your misfortune.
  • Retire from ( অবসর লওয়া ) He retired from service on a pension.


  • be up and doing ( উঠে-পড়ে লাগা )
  • As if ( যেন ) He swims so beautifully as if he is the Olympic gold medalist.
  • Book worm ( গ্রন্থকীট ) Don't be a book worm.
  • Die in harness ( কর্মরত অবস্থায় মারা যাওয়া ) Dr. Sen died in harness.
  • have ones eyes ( কারও হাতে বিস্তর কাজ থাকা )
  • At once back and call ( বাধ্য ) He is always at my back and call.