"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Zeal for ( প্রবল উৎসাহ ) He has a zeal for social work.
  • Divide among ( ভাগ করা (দুইয়ের অধিক) ) Divide the mangoes among the boys.
  • Opposite to ( বিপরীত ) Your idea is opposite to mine.
  • Blush with (for) ( লজ্জায় রাঙা হওয়া ) She blushed with shame.
  • Admit of ( স্বীকৃতি পাওয়া ) Your conduct admits of no excuse.
  • Jealous of ( ঈর্ষা পরায়ণ ) I am not at all jealous of his fortune.


  • tickled pink ( খুব খুশি করানো ) She was tickled pink by the good news.
  • a piece of cake ( খুবই সহজ ) This assignment is a piece of cake
  • In a hurry ( তাড়াহুড়ার মধ্যে ) Don't do the work in a hurry.
  • Pros and cons ( খুঁটিনাটি ) You should consider the Pros and cons of the system.
  • put the cart before the horse ( স্বাভাবিক অবস্থা উলটাইয়া দেওয়া ; অস্বাভাবিক অবস্থা পরিণত করা )
  • Household word ( সকলের পরিচিত নাম ) Mother Teresa's name has now become a household word.