/noun/ প্রতারণা; ; /verb/ঠকান; প্রতারণা করা;
SYNONYM deception; outwit; hype;
Next : hubble bubblePrevious : toed

SYNONYM deception; outwit; hype;
Next : hubble bubblePrevious : toed
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- Apply to ( আবেদন করা (ব্যক্তি) ) He applied to he Secretary for the post.
- Contribute to ( দান হিসাবে দেওয়া ) He contributed one thousand taka to the Flood Relief Fund.
- Admit to ( ভর্তি করা ) Khadil was admitted to university.
- Proud of ( গর্বিত ) He is proud of his position.
- Mourn over ( শোক করা ) Don't mourn over the dead.
- Think over ( চিন্তা করা (কোনকিছু) ) Think carefully over his advice.
- Out of order ( বিকল ) This car is out of order.
- Head and ears ( সম্পূর্ণরূপে ) He is over head and ears in debt.
- As if ( যেন ) He swims so beautifully as if he is the Olympic gold medalist.
- Take to one's heels ( ছুটিয়া পালানো ) The thieves took to their heels to see the police.
- big cheese ( দলের বা পরিবারের সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ব্যক্তি ) He is the big cheese who control everything in our group.
- By hook or by crook ( যে কোন উপায়ে ) You must do this work by hook or by crook.