"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Composed of ( তৈরি ) Water is composed of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
  • Tired of ( ক্লান্ত ) I am Tired of doing the same thing day after day.
  • Angry for ( রাগান্বিত (কোন কিছু) ) I am angry for something.
  • Impose on ( চাপানো ) The task was imposed on him.
  • Brood on (over) ( মন খারাপ করা ) Do not brood over your misfortune.
  • Compare to ( তুলনা করা (অসদৃশ বস্তু) ) Anger is compared to fire.


  • Fish in a troubled water ( এলোমোলো অবস্থায় সুযোগ নেওয়া ) He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.
  • In the long run ( পরিশেষে ) You will have to suffer in the long run.
  • Man of straw ( অপদার্থ লোক ) We do not care a fig for a man of straw like him.
  • Bad blood ( মনোমালিন্য ; শত্রতা ; দ্বেষ ) Now there is bad blood between the two brothers.
  • have a bad time ( দুশ্চিন্তায় কাল কাটানো ; দুঃসময়ে পড়া )
  • In lieu of ( পরিবর্তে ) Give me this pen in lieu of that.