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- Pretend to ( ভান করা ) He does not pretend to high birth.
- Attend on ( সেবা করা ) She attends on her mother.
- Complain to ( অভিযোগ করা (ব্যক্তি) ) The complained to the Director against the Manager about her behavior.
- Dull at ( কাঁচা ) He is dull at Physics.
- Lack of ( অভাব ) I have no lack of friends.
- Hunger for ( তীব্র আকাঙ্খা ) His hunger for knowledge surprised us.
- feather ones nest ( কাজ গুছিয়ে নেওয়া )
- A bolt from the blue ( সম্পূর্ন অপ্রত্যাশিত ) The news of his father's death came to him as a bolt from the blue.
- In full swing ( পুরাদমে ) The school is now in full swing.
- Head and ears ( সম্পূর্ণরূপে ) He is over head and ears in debt.
- vile sycophant ( খঁয়ের খা )
- Burning question ( তীব্র বিতর্কের বিষয় ) The problem of the dowry system is the burning question of the day.