"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Apply for ( আবেদন করা (কোন কিছু) ) He applied to the Secretary for the post.
  • Compete with ( প্রতিযোগিতা করা (কোন একজন) ) I competed with him for the first prize.
  • Prior to ( পূর্বে ) Prior to that, he was in a wretched condition.
  • Charge with ( অভিযোগ করা (ত্রুটি) ) He was charged with theft.
  • Plead for ( ওকালতি করা (কোনকিছু) ) I pleaded with him for justice (against the wrong done to me).
  • Compare to ( তুলনা করা (অসদৃশ বস্তু) ) Anger is compared to fire.


  • live by ones wit ( কথা বেচে খাওয়া )
  • Household word ( সকলের পরিচিত নাম ) Mother Teresa's name has now become a household word.
  • Hard and fast ( বাঁধা ধরা ) There is no such hard and fast rule in this matter.
  • In a fix ( মুশকিলে পতিত ) He is in a fix and does not know what to do.
  • Pros and cons ( খুঁটিনাটি ) You should consider the Pros and cons of the system.
  • bad debts ( অশোধ্য বা অনাদায়ী ঋন ; যে ঋন শোধ করা যাবে না )