"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Fond of ( অনুরাগী ) Children are fond of sweets.
  • Replace with another ( পরিবর্তন করা (একটি জিনিস) ) Replace this chair with new one.
  • Displeased with ( অসন্তুষ্ট ) I am displeased with him at his conduct.
  • Opportunity for ( সুযোগ ) I have no opportunity for (of) doing the work.
  • Think of ( চিন্তা করা (ব্যক্তি) ) What do you think of (about) him?
  • Angry for ( রাগান্বিত (কোন কিছু) ) I am angry for something.


  • Crocodile tears ( ময়া কান্না ) He shed crocodile tears at our misery.
  • have a bad time ( দুশ্চিন্তায় কাল কাটানো ; দুঃসময়ে পড়া )
  • To the letter ( অক্ষরে অক্ষরে ) He followed my advice to the letter.
  • A bolt from the blue ( সম্পূর্ন অপ্রত্যাশিত ) The news of his father's death came to him as a bolt from the blue.
  • Man of straw ( অপদার্থ লোক ) We do not care a fig for a man of straw like him.
  • in the doldrums ( উদাসীন ভাবাপন্ন )