"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Consistent with ( সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ ) Your action is not consistent with the rules.
  • Engaged with ( নিযুক্ত (ব্যক্তি) ) I was engaged with him in talk.
  • Responsible for ( দায়ী (কোন কার্জ) ) He is responsible to the committee for his action.
  • Obstacle to ( বাধা ) Poverty is often obstacle to higher studies.
  • Justice to ( ন্যায় বিচার ) We should do justice to everybody.
  • Wait for ( অপেক্ষা করা ) I waited for him for two hours.


  • Head and ears ( সম্পূর্ণরূপে ) He is over head and ears in debt.
  • Hue and cry ( শোরগোল ) The villagers raised a hue and cry to see the thief.
  • By and large ( প্রধানতঃ ) People in our village are by and large farmers.
  • From hand to mouth ( দিন আনে দিন খায় ) The poor man lives form hand to mouth.
  • As if ( যেন ) He swims so beautifully as if he is the Olympic gold medalist.
  • bunch of fives ( মুষ্টি ; পাঁচ আঙ্গুলের মুঠো ) Rock can break anything with his bunch of fives.