unobserved /adjective/ অলক্ষিত; অতর্কিত; অগোচর;
SYNONYM unnoticed; unexpected;
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SYNONYM unnoticed; unexpected;
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- Lack of ( অভাব ) I have no lack of friends.
- Grateful for ( কৃতজ্ঞ (কোনকিছু) ) I am grateful to you for your help.
- Slow of ( ধীর ) He is slow of speech. He is slow at figures. He is slow in writing.
- Plead for ( ওকালতি করা (কোনকিছু) ) I pleaded with him for justice (against the wrong done to me).
- Sensible of ( বোধ সম্পন্ন ) She is sensible of the risk.
- Relevant to ( প্রাসঙ্গিক ) Your remark is not relevant to the point.
- By the by ( প্রসঙ্গক্রমে ) By the by I came to know that he was ill.
- In lieu of ( পরিবর্তে ) Give me this pen in lieu of that.
- At once back and call ( বাধ্য ) He is always at my back and call.
- At large ( স্বাধীন ) The anti-socials are still at large.
- Dead language ( যে ভাষা এখন আর কথ্য নয় ) Sanskrit is a rich language, but it is now a dead language.
- Head and ears ( সম্পূর্ণরূপে ) He is over head and ears in debt.