"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Look up ( শব্দার্থ খোঁজা ) Look up the word in the dictionary.
  • Absent from ( অনুপস্থিত ) Rifat was absent from college.
  • Refer to ( বিচারার্থে পাঠানো ) Refer the matter to him for enquiry.
  • Obsessed with ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) He is obsessed with the idea.
  • Subject to ( শর্তাধীন ) This is subject to approval of the committee.
  • Sanguine of ( নিশ্চিত ) She is sanguine of her success.


  • To the letter ( অক্ষরে অক্ষরে ) He followed my advice to the letter.
  • At one’s own sweet will ( খুশি মতো ) He still does it at his own sweet will.
  • Make both ends meet ( আয়ব্যয় মেলানো ) I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
  • Bone of contention ( বিবাদের বিষয় ) The paternal property is the bone of contention between the two brothers.
  • Round the clock ( সমস্ত দিন ) He is working round the clock.
  • At least ( অন্ততঃ ) At least one hundred boys will come to school today.