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- Rid of ( মুক্ত হওয়া ) Get rid of bad company.
- Favourable to ( অনুকূল (ব্যক্তি) ) This situation is favourable to me for doing this.
- Want of ( অভাব ) We have no want of money.
- Render into ( অনুবাদ করা ) Render the passage into Hindi.
- Rich in ( সম্পদশালী ) Bangladesh is rich in minerals.
- Offensive to ( বিরক্তিকর ) This acrid smell is offensive to me.
- In fine ( পরিশেষ ) In fine he declared his plan.
- Dead language ( যে ভাষা এখন আর কথ্য নয় ) Sanskrit is a rich language, but it is now a dead language.
- At once back and call ( বাধ্য ) He is always at my back and call.
- Nip in the bud ( অঙ্কুরে বিনষ্ট করা ) All his hopes were nipped in the bud.
- reap the harvest of sin ( কর্ম ভোগ করা )
- By far ( সর্বাংশে ) He is by far the best boy in the class.