"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Count for ( গণ্য হওয়া ) His advice counts for nothing.
  • Indifferent to ( উদাসীন ) He is indifferent to our problem.
  • Heir to ( উত্তরাধিকারী (সম্পত্তি) ) He is the heir to his uncle’s property.
  • Argue with ( যূক্তি দেখানো (ব্যক্তি) ) I argued with him for the point.
  • Oblige to ( বাধিত করা ) I am obliged to him for his co-operation.
  • Dislike for ( অপছন্দ ) He has dislike for dogs.


  • At once back and call ( বাধ্য ) He is always at my back and call.
  • By leaps and bounds ( অতি দ্রুতগতিতে ) The population of Bangladesh is increasing by leaps and bounds.
  • Come to light ( প্রকাশিত হওয়া ) Their private talk has come to light at last.
  • Take one to task ( তিরস্কার করা ) He was taken to task for negligence of duty.
  • In lieu of ( পরিবর্তে ) Give me this pen in lieu of that.
  • By fits and starts ( অনিয়মিত ; মাঝে মাঝে ) He works by fits and starts.