"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

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Appropriate Preposition:

  • Fatal to ( মারাত্মক ) he doctor's mistake proved fatal to his life.
  • Fond of ( অনুরাগী ) Children are fond of sweets.
  • Devote to ( উৎসর্গ করা ) He devotes much time to study.
  • Equal with ( সমতুল্য (ব্যক্তি) ) Mr.Karim is equal in rank with Mr.Rahim.
  • Dull at ( কাঁচা ) He is dull at Physics.
  • Render into ( অনুবাদ করা ) Render the passage into Hindi.


  • Take one to task ( তিরস্কার করা ) He was taken to task for negligence of duty.
  • Weal and woe ( সুখ-দুঃখ ) Human life is full of weal and woe.
  • bunch of fives ( মুষ্টি ; পাঁচ আঙ্গুলের মুঠো ) Rock can break anything with his bunch of fives.
  • to the bad ( মন্দাবস্থায় ; ঘাটতি অবস্থায় )
  • Cut to the quick ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) I was cut to the quick by his words.
  • A bed of roses thorns ( কন্টকময় জীবন ) Life is nothing but a bed of roses.

Bangla to English Expressions (Translations):

  • ঠাণ্ডা হও। - Come down/ come up.
  • তুমি বুঝতে পেরেছো? - You got it
  • আপনি কিসে ভালো না? - What are you not good at?
  • আমার চুল কাটার দরকার - My hair need cutting
  • হচ্ছেটা কি এখানে? - What’s going on here?
  • তোমার কাছে কি খুচরা আছে? - Do you have change?