"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Add to ( যোগ করা ) Add this to that.
  • Preferable to ( অধিক পছন্দযোগ্য ) Death is preferable to dishonor.
  • Congratulate on ( অভিনন্দিত করা ) I congratulate you on your success.
  • Interest in ( আগ্রহ ) He has a special interest in history.
  • Look over ( পরীক্ষা করা ) He is looking over the answer papers.
  • Ashamed for ( লজ্জিত ) I feel ashamed for you.


  • till the cows come home ( অনেক সময় ধরে ) I could play outside till the cows come home
  • In black and white ( লিখিতভাবে ) Put down the statement in black and white.
  • A bed of roses thorns ( কন্টকময় জীবন ) Life is nothing but a bed of roses.
  • Beggar description ( বর্ণনাতীত ) The beauty of the Taj beggars description.
  • At sixes and sevens ( বিশৃঙ্খলা অবস্থায় ) All the furniture in the room were at sixes and sevens.
  • Far and wide ( সর্বত্র ) His fame as a scholar spread far and wide