"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Look for ( খোঁজা ) I am looking for a good job.
  • Hunger for ( তীব্র আকাঙ্খা ) His hunger for knowledge surprised us.
  • Blind of ( দৃষ্টিশক্তিতে অন্ধ ) He is blind of one eye.
  • Restore to ( ফিরিয়ে দেওয়া ) Restore his property to him.
  • Offend against ( লঙ্গন করা ) You have offended against good manners.
  • Addicted to ( আসক্ত ) He is addicted to separate.


  • A rainy day ( দুর্দিন ) Everybody should save something for rainy day.
  • Bid fair ( ভালো কিছু আশা করা ) He bids fair to be a good doctor.
  • cringing flatterer ( খঁয়ের খা )
  • Bad blood ( মনোমালিন্য ; শত্রতা ; দ্বেষ ) Now there is bad blood between the two brothers.
  • Birds eye view ( মোটামোটি ধারণা ; এক নজর ) He took a bird’s eye view of the flood-stricken area from an aeroplane.
  • Null and void ( বাতিল ) The deed has been null and void now.