"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Impose on ( চাপানো ) The task was imposed on him.
  • Yield to ( আত্মসমর্পণ করা ) He Yielded to his enemy.
  • Pleased with ( সন্তুষ্ট ) I am pleased with him.
  • Responsible to ( দায়ী (প্রাধিকার) ) He is responsible to the committee for his action.
  • Trust with ( বিশ্বাস করা (জিনিস) ) You may trust me with the work.
  • Feel for ( সহানুভূতি অনুভব করা ) I feel for you in your trouble.


  • Up and downs ( উন্থানপতন ) There are ups and downs in a man's life.
  • loose cannon ( অপ্রত্যাশিত ) He is a bit of a loose cannon.
  • Call in question ( সন্দেহ করা ) No one can call his honesty in question.
  • Rank and file ( সাধারণ লোক ) We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.
  • Read between the lines ( তাৎপর্য বোঝা ) Try to read between the lines of the letter.
  • Cock and bull story ( গাঁজাখুরি গল্প ) Nobody will believe your cock and bull story