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- Entitled to ( অধিকারী ) He is entitled to a reward for his honesty.
- Consist of ( গঠিত হওয়া ) This class consists of fifty boys and thirty girls.
- Boast of ( গর্ব করা ) Do not boast of your wealth.
- Capacity for ( যোগ্যতা ) He has a capacity for hard work.
- Annoyed for ( বিরক্ত (কোন কিছু) ) I was annoyed for the music.
- Inquire about ( অনুসন্ধান করা (কোন ব্যপার) ) I inquired of him about (into) the matter.
- By leaps and bounds ( অতি দ্রুতগতিতে ) The population of Bangladesh is increasing by leaps and bounds.
- At home ( দক্ষ ) He is at home in mathematics.
- Round the clock ( সমস্ত দিন ) He is working round the clock.
- At stake ( বিপন্ন ) His life is at stake now.
- To the contrary ( কাহারও বক্তব্যের বিপক্ষে ) In the court he said nothing to the contrary.
- In one's teens ( তের থেকে উনিশ বছর বয়সের মধ্যে ) She is yet in her teens.