"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Quick of ( চটপটে ) He is quick of understanding.
  • Displeased with ( অসন্তুষ্ট ) I am displeased with him at his conduct.
  • Affectionate to ( স্নেহশীল ) He is affectionate to me.
  • Taste for ( রুচি ) She has no taste for music.
  • Part from ( বিচ্ছিন্ন হওয়া (ব্যক্তি) ) He parted form his friend.
  • Despair of ( নিরাশ হওয়া ) Do not despair of success.


  • Book worm ( গ্রন্থকীট ) Don't be a book worm.
  • Out of sorts ( ঈষৎ অসুস্থ ) He is out of sorts now.
  • be up and doing ( উঠে-পড়ে লাগা )
  • A bolt from the blue ( সম্পূর্ন অপ্রত্যাশিত ) The news of his father's death came to him as a bolt from the blue.
  • Gala Day ( উৎসবের দিন ) The 15th August is a gala day to the Indians.
  • From hand to mouth ( দিন আনে দিন খায় ) The poor man lives form hand to mouth.