"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Appeal to ( আবেদন করা (ব্যক্তি) ) He appealed to the Headmaster for pardon.
  • Pleased at ( সন্তুষ্ট (কোনকিছু) ) I am pleased at the news.
  • Weak of ( দূর্বল ) He is weak of understanding.
  • Displeased with ( অসন্তুষ্ট ) I am displeased with him at his conduct.
  • False to ( মিথ্যাবাদী ) I cannot be false to my friend.
  • Anxious for ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) He is anxious for getting a job.


  • cringing flatterer ( খঁয়ের খা )
  • Sink in ( আবদ্ধ হওয়া, ডুবে যাওয়া ) He sank in mud or the ship sank into the sea.
  • Maiden speech ( প্রথম বক্তৃতা ) His maiden speech fell flat on the audience.
  • A slow coach ( কর্মকুণ্ঠ ও মন্থর ব্যাক্তি ) Roky is known as a slow coach to his friend circle.
  • In cold blood ( ঠান্ডা মাথায় ) They committed this murder in cold blood.
  • In the nick of time ( ঠিক সময়ে ) The school team arrived in the nick of time.