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- Interfere with ( হস্তক্ষেপ করা (ব্যক্তি) ) Do not interfere with me in my business.
- Supply to ( যোগান দেওয়া (ব্যক্তি) ) He supplied food to us.
- Send for ( ডেকে পাঠানো ) Send for a doctor immediately.
- Oblige to ( বাধিত করা ) I am obliged to him for his co-operation.
- Favour with ( অনুগত করা ) Would you favour me with an early reply?
- Subject to ( শর্তাধীন ) This is subject to approval of the committee.
- Take to one's heels ( ছুটিয়া পালানো ) The thieves took to their heels to see the police.
- Above all ( প্রধানত ; সর্বোপরি ) We should be kind, polite, and above all honest.
- Out of order ( বিকল ) This car is out of order.
- At last ( অবশেষে ) I got my missing book at last.
- know from a bare hint ( এক আঁচরেই বোঝা )
- In a fix ( মুশকিলে পতিত ) He is in a fix and does not know what to do.