/noun/ নিরঙ্কুশ ক্ষমতা; স্বৈরতন্ত্র; সার্বভৌমত্ব;
SYNONYM authoritarianism;
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SYNONYM authoritarianism;
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- Wanting in ( বিহীন ) He is wanting in common sense.
- Live for ( বেঁচে থাকা ) He lives for fame.
- Belong to ( অধিকারে থাকা ) This house is no more belongs to him.
- Proud of ( গর্বিত ) He is proud of his position.
- Confident to ( আবদ্ধ (শয্যা) ) He is confined to bed.
- Fatal to ( মারাত্মক ) he doctor's mistake proved fatal to his life.
- A blessing in disguise ( বিপরীতে হিত ; প্রথমে খারাপ হিসেবে মনে হলেও পরবর্তীতে ভালো হয় ) Sam's motorcycle accident was a blessing in disguise because he got enough insurance money.
- be bad at ( দক্ষ না হওয়া )
- Cut to the quick ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) I was cut to the quick by his words.
- In lieu of ( পরিবর্তে ) Give me this pen in lieu of that.
- At a low ebb ( নিম্নমুখী ) His fame is at a low ebb now.
- slap on the wrist ( মৃদু শাস্তি ) Although he broke the rules, he was only given a slap on the wrist