"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Care of ( যত্ন নেওয়া ) Take care of your health.
  • Deal in ( ব্যবসা করা ) He deals in rice.
  • Zeal for ( প্রবল উৎসাহ ) He has a zeal for social work.
  • Void of ( বিহীন ) He is void of common sense.
  • Send for ( ডেকে পাঠানো ) Send for a doctor immediately.
  • Look over ( পরীক্ষা করা ) He is looking over the answer papers.


  • Book worm ( গ্রন্থকীট ) Don't be a book worm.
  • bunch of fives ( মুষ্টি ; পাঁচ আঙ্গুলের মুঠো ) Rock can break anything with his bunch of fives.
  • Round the clock ( সমস্ত দিন ) He is working round the clock.
  • Pros and cons ( খুঁটিনাটি ) You should consider the Pros and cons of the system.
  • ABC ( প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান ) Everybody must know at least the ABC of religion.
  • Call in question ( সন্দেহ করা ) No one can call his honesty in question.