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- Boast of ( গর্ব করা ) Do not boast of your wealth.
- Obsessed by ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) He is obsessed by the idea.
- Annoyed with ( বিরক্ত (ব্যক্তি) ) I was annoyed with him for being late.
- Attend on ( সেবা করা ) She attends on her mother.
- Admit into ( প্রবেশাধিকার দেওয়া ) He was admitted into the room.
- Faith in ( বিশ্বাস ) I have no faith in him.
- a bad apple ( কোনো একটা দলের সব ভালোর মধ্যে খারাপ বা মন্দটা ) In any group of average citizens there are bound to be a few bad apples.
- After all ( সবকিছু সত্ত্বেও ) After all, he is a patriot.
- At a loss ( হতবু্দ্ধি ; কিংকর্তব্যবিমূঢ় ) He was at a loss and did not know what to do.
- Rank and file ( সাধারণ লোক ) We should pay attention to the rank and file of the country.
- bad faith ( বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা )
- In a hurry ( তাড়াহুড়ার মধ্যে ) Don't do the work in a hurry.