"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Confident of ( স্থির বিশ্বাসী ) I am confident of success.
  • Provide with ( সরবরাহ করা (কোন জিনিস) ) I provide (supply) him with food.
  • Aim at ( লক্ষ্য করা ) He aimed his gun at he bird.
  • Pass away ( মারা যাওয়া ) He passes away last night.
  • Addicted to ( আসক্ত ) He is addicted to separate.
  • Wonder at ( অবাক হওয়া ) I wonder at his ignorance.


  • Man of letters ( পন্ডিত লোক ) Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee was a man of letters.
  • By far ( সর্বাংশে ) He is by far the best boy in the class.
  • Fish out of water ( অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থায় ) When he came to the village, he felt like a fish out of water.
  • For good ( চিরকালের জন্য ) He left the country for good.
  • In the nick of time ( ঠিক সময়ে ) The school team arrived in the nick of time.
  • Null and void ( বাতিল ) The deed has been null and void now.