"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Ashamed of ( লজ্জিত ) He is not ashamed of his conduct.
  • Listen to ( শোনা ) Listen to the news on the radio.
  • Obsessed with ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) He is obsessed with the idea.
  • Rest with ( নির্ভর করা ; বিশ্বাসস্থাপন করা ) The whole matter rests with you.
  • Fill with ( পরিপূর্ণ ) This tank is filled with water.
  • Faith with ( বিশ্বাস (ভঙ্গ) ) He broke faith with me.


  • the exact point ( কাঁটায়-কাঁটায় )
  • pulling your leg ( কৌতক করা ) Do not take it seriously, i was just pulling you leg
  • Lame excuse ( বাজে গুজব ) This lame excuse will to do.
  • Hue and cry ( শোরগোল ) The villagers raised a hue and cry to see the thief.
  • As if ( যেন ) He swims so beautifully as if he is the Olympic gold medalist.
  • To the letter ( অক্ষরে অক্ষরে ) He followed my advice to the letter.