"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Limited to ( সীমাবদ্ধ ) Invitation was limited to members only.
  • Impose on ( চাপানো ) The task was imposed on him.
  • Appeal for ( আবেদন করা (কোন কিছু) ) He appealed for pardon.
  • Late in ( দেরি ) Why are you so late in coming?
  • Provide with ( সরবরাহ করা (কোন জিনিস) ) I provide (supply) him with food.
  • Occur to ( মনে হওয়া ) The idea never occurred to me.


  • Chip of the old block ( বাপকা বেটা ) He is a chip of the old black.
  • By and large ( প্রধানতঃ ) People in our village are by and large farmers.
  • A slow coach ( কর্মকুণ্ঠ ও মন্থর ব্যাক্তি ) Roky is known as a slow coach to his friend circle.
  • End in smoke ( ব্যর্থ হওয়া ) All his plans ended in smoke.
  • Out of order ( বিকল ) This car is out of order.
  • From hand to mouth ( দিন আনে দিন খায় ) The poor man lives form hand to mouth.