"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Opportunity for ( সুযোগ ) I have no opportunity for (of) doing the work.
  • Hunger for ( তীব্র আকাঙ্খা ) His hunger for knowledge surprised us.
  • Lament for ( বিলাপ করা ) She lamented for her child.
  • Impose on ( চাপানো ) The task was imposed on him.
  • Blind to ( দোষের প্রতি অন্ধ ) He is blind to his won faults.
  • Rich in ( সম্পদশালী ) Bangladesh is rich in minerals.


  • All on a sudden ( হঠাৎ ) All on a sudden a tiger came out of the bush.
  • From hand to mouth ( দিন আনে দিন খায় ) The poor man lives form hand to mouth.
  • know from a bare hint ( এক আঁচরেই বোঝা )
  • A slow coach ( কর্মকুণ্ঠ ও মন্থর ব্যাক্তি ) Roky is known as a slow coach to his friend circle.
  • reap the harvest of sin ( কর্ম ভোগ করা )
  • To the contrary ( কাহারও বক্তব্যের বিপক্ষে ) In the court he said nothing to the contrary.