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- Made of ( তৈরি ) This ring is made of gold.
- Justice to ( ন্যায় বিচার ) We should do justice to everybody.
- Free from ( মুক্ত ) He is now free from danger.
- Devoid of ( বর্জিত ) He is devoid of common sense.
- Prevent from ( বারণ করা ; প্রতিরোধ করা ) I prevented him from going there.
- Access to ( প্রবেশ অধিকার ) Public has no access to this area.
- Nip in the bud ( অঙ্কুরে বিনষ্ট করা ) All his hopes were nipped in the bud.
- Chip of the old block ( বাপকা বেটা ) He is a chip of the old black.
- Make both ends meet ( আয়ব্যয় মেলানো ) I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
- End in smoke ( ব্যর্থ হওয়া ) All his plans ended in smoke.
- a piece of cake ( খুবই সহজ ) This assignment is a piece of cake
- Far and wide ( সর্বত্র ) His fame as a scholar spread far and wide