"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Hanker after ( লালায়িত হওয়া ) Do not hanker after wealth.
  • Partiality for ( পক্ষপাত দুষ্ট ) He has no Partiality for his son.
  • Destined to ( ভাগ্য নির্দিষ্ট ) He was destined to death.
  • Live on ( খেয়ে বাঁচা ) The cow lives on grass.
  • Disgusted with ( বিরক্ত ) I am disgusted with him at his conduct.
  • Resign to ( আত্মসমর্পন করা (স্বয়ং) ) I resigned myself to fate


  • In fine ( পরিশেষ ) In fine he declared his plan.
  • Turn over a new leaf ( নূতনের সূচনা ) After his failure he turned over a new leaf.
  • Up and downs ( উন্থানপতন ) There are ups and downs in a man's life.
  • Fish in a troubled water ( এলোমোলো অবস্থায় সুযোগ নেওয়া ) He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.
  • be on ones back ( একেবারে কুপোকাত )
  • hold your horses ( সবুর করা ; ধৈর্য ধরা ) Hold your horses in trouble, you will get your reward.