"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Sentence to ( দন্ডাদেশ দেওয়া ) He was sentenced to death for murder.
  • False to ( মিথ্যাবাদী ) I cannot be false to my friend.
  • Blind to ( দোষের প্রতি অন্ধ ) He is blind to his won faults.
  • Distinguish between ( প্রভেদ করা ) Distinguish between a phrase and a clause.
  • Part with ( বিচ্ছিন্ন হওয়া (কোন জিনিস) ) She parted with the ring.
  • Blush with (for) ( লজ্জায় রাঙা হওয়া ) She blushed with shame.


  • the exact point ( কাঁটায়-কাঁটায় )
  • Hush money ( ঘুষ ) He offered a hush money to suppress the murder.
  • Turn down ( প্রত্যাখান করা ) He turned down my proposal.
  • In order to ( উদ্দেশ্য ) He came here in order to meet my mother.
  • Lame excuse ( বাজে গুজব ) This lame excuse will to do.
  • Dead language ( যে ভাষা এখন আর কথ্য নয় ) Sanskrit is a rich language, but it is now a dead language.