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- Believe in ( বিশ্বাস করা ) I do not believe in his honesty.
- Provide with ( সরবরাহ করা (কোন জিনিস) ) I provide (supply) him with food.
- Satisfaction in ( সন্তোষ ) I find satisfaction in gardening. Great was his satisfaction with her result.
- Weak in ( কাঁচা ) He is weak in Mathematics.
- Junior to ( নিম্নপদস্থ ; বয়সে কম ) He is junior to me in service.
- Similar to ( সদৃশ ) This pen is similar to that.
- Now and then ( মাঝে মাঝে ) He comes here now and then.
- Out of the wood ( বিপদমুক্ত ) He is not yet out of the wood.
- Beat about the bush ( কাজের কথায় না এসে আজেবাজে কথা বলা ) Please come to the point without beating about the bush
- By and large ( প্রধানতঃ ) People in our village are by and large farmers.
- ABC ( প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান ) Everybody must know at least the ABC of religion.
- Flesh and blood ( রক্তমাংসের শরীর ) Flesh and blood cannot bear with such insults.