"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Adjacent to ( সংলগ্ন ) Her college is adjacent to her house.
  • Object to ( আপত্তি করা ) He objected to my proposal.
  • Apply to ( আবেদন করা (ব্যক্তি) ) He applied to he Secretary for the post.
  • Comment on ( মন্তব্য করা ) He commented favorably on the point.
  • Obsessed by ( উদ্বিগ্ন ) He is obsessed by the idea.
  • Exempt from ( রেহাই দেওয়া ) He was exempted from the fine.


  • Build castles in the air ( আকাশ কুসুম চিন্তা করা ) Don't idle away your time in building castles in the air.
  • word of no implication ( কথার কথা )
  • know from a bare hint ( এক আঁচরেই বোঝা )
  • In force ( বলবৎ ) This law is in force now.
  • to the bad ( মন্দাবস্থায় ; ঘাটতি অবস্থায় )
  • Lion's share ( সিংহভাগ ) He took the lion's share of the profit.