"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Clue to ( সূত্র ) Find out the clue to the mystery.
  • Make for ( অগ্রসর হওয়া ) The ship made for England.
  • Faith with ( বিশ্বাস (ভঙ্গ) ) He broke faith with me.
  • Die by ( মারা যাওয়া (বিষ) ) He died by poison.
  • Object to ( আপত্তি করা ) He objected to my proposal.
  • Argue with ( যূক্তি দেখানো (ব্যক্তি) ) I argued with him for the point.


  • bunch of fives ( মুষ্টি ; পাঁচ আঙ্গুলের মুঠো ) Rock can break anything with his bunch of fives.
  • Dead of night ( মধ্য রাত্রি ) The robbers broke into the house at dead of night.
  • Ins and outs ( খুঁটিনাটি সব কিছু ) I know the ins and outs of the matter.
  • To and fro ( এদিন-ওদিক ) Being unable to make up his mind the man is walking to and fro.
  • As usual ( যথারীতি ) He is late as usual.
  • A black sheep ( কুলাঙ্গার ) Tom is a black sheep in their family