"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Divide into ( বিভক্ত করা (অংশ) ) It was divided into several parts.
  • Abound with ( প্রচুর পরিমাণে থাকা ) The ocean abounds with fish.
  • Key to ( সমাধানের উপায় ) He has found out the key to his problem.
  • Hunger for ( তীব্র আকাঙ্খা ) His hunger for knowledge surprised us.
  • Involved in ( জড়িত ) He is involved in the plot.
  • Tired of ( ক্লান্ত ) I am Tired of doing the same thing day after day.


  • slap on the wrist ( মৃদু শাস্তি ) Although he broke the rules, he was only given a slap on the wrist
  • In one's teens ( তের থেকে উনিশ বছর বয়সের মধ্যে ) She is yet in her teens.
  • host in himself ( একাই একশ )
  • Hue and cry ( শোরগোল ) The villagers raised a hue and cry to see the thief.
  • throw dust in ones hands full ( কারো চোখে ধূলো দেওয়া )
  • Fish in a troubled water ( এলোমোলো অবস্থায় সুযোগ নেওয়া ) He made a lot of money by fishing in a troubled water.