"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Sympathy for ( সহানুভূতি ) I have no sympathy for him.
  • Displeased at ( অসন্তুষ্ট ) I am displeased with him at his conduct.
  • Refer to ( বিচারার্থে পাঠানো ) Refer the matter to him for enquiry.
  • Argue against ( যূক্তি দেখানো (কোন কিছু) ) I argued with him against the point.
  • Rely on ( নির্ভর করা ) You can rely on him.
  • Interfere with ( হস্তক্ষেপ করা (ব্যক্তি) ) Do not interfere with me in my business.


  • From hand to mouth ( দিন আনে দিন খায় ) The poor man lives form hand to mouth.
  • Slow coach ( অলস প্রকৃতির লোক ) You cannot expect much from a slow coach like him.
  • Flesh and blood ( রক্তমাংসের শরীর ) Flesh and blood cannot bear with such insults.
  • Gala Day ( উৎসবের দিন ) The 15th August is a gala day to the Indians.
  • clever hit ( কথার মতন কথা )
  • Carry the day ( জয়লাভ করা ) Rajib, the best player of the school, carried the day in the annual sports.