"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Sentence to ( দন্ডাদেশ দেওয়া ) He was sentenced to death for murder.
  • Due to ( কারণে ) His absence is due to illness.
  • Good at ( দক্ষ ) He is good at tennis.
  • Based on ( ভিত্তি থাকা ) Your remarks were not based on the facts.
  • Die for ( মারা যাওয়া (কারণ) ) He died for his country.
  • Offensive to ( বিরক্তিকর ) This acrid smell is offensive to me.


  • Burning question ( তীব্র বিতর্কের বিষয় ) The problem of the dowry system is the burning question of the day.
  • Up and downs ( উন্থানপতন ) There are ups and downs in a man's life.
  • Apple of discord ( বিবাদেয় বিষয় ) The paternal property has become an apple of discord between the two brothers.
  • have ones eyes ( কারও হাতে বিস্তর কাজ থাকা )
  • reinvent the wheel ( এমন কোনকিছু তৈরিতে সময় নষ্ট করা যা বর্তমানে বিদ্যমান ও ঠিকঠাক কাজ করে ) There's no point in us reinventing the wheel
  • Bird of a feather ( এক রকম স্বভাবের লোক ) Birds of a feather flock together.