"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Aloof from ( দূরে থাকা ) Keep yourself aloof from bad company.
  • Glance at ( চোখ বুলিয়ে নেওয়া ) He glanced at me casually.
  • Close to ( নিকটে ) The school is very close to our house.
  • Replace with another ( পরিবর্তন করা (একটি জিনিস) ) Replace this chair with new one.
  • Impose on ( চাপানো ) The task was imposed on him.
  • Vexed with ( বিরক্ত (ব্যক্তি) ) He is vexed with me at my conduct.


  • Moot point ( অমীমাংসিত বিষয় ) Dowry system is still a moot point in Bangladesh.
  • Crying need ( জরুরী প্রয়োজন ) Mass education is the crying need of Bangladesh.
  • reap the harvest of sin ( কর্ম ভোগ করা )
  • breathe out ( নিঃশ্বাস ত্যাগ করা ) At last, he breathed his last breath out, and that was the end.
  • Fall flat ( ফলপ্রসূ না হওয়া ) My advice feel fiat on him.
  • blue blood ( অভিজাত বংশের রক্ত বহনকারী )