"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Pity for ( করুণা ) Have pity for the poor.
  • Respond to ( উত্তর দেওয়া ) Nobody responded to my call.
  • Favourable to ( অনুকূল (ব্যক্তি) ) This situation is favourable to me for doing this.
  • Distinguish between ( প্রভেদ করা ) Distinguish between a phrase and a clause.
  • Die for ( মারা যাওয়া (কারণ) ) He died for his country.
  • Heir to ( উত্তরাধিকারী (সম্পত্তি) ) He is the heir to his uncle’s property.


  • a piece of cake ( খুবই সহজ ) This assignment is a piece of cake
  • harp on the same string ( এক কথা বারবার বলা )
  • till the cows come home ( অনেক সময় ধরে ) I could play outside till the cows come home
  • To and fro ( এদিন-ওদিক ) Being unable to make up his mind the man is walking to and fro.
  • In fine ( পরিশেষ ) In fine he declared his plan.
  • Catch red handed ( হাতে নাতে ধরা ) The thief was caught red handed.