Bangla Academy Dictionary:
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- Interfere with ( হস্তক্ষেপ করা (ব্যক্তি) ) Do not interfere with me in my business.
- Liking for ( রুচি ) She has a liking for music.
- Busy with ( ব্যস্ত ) He is busy with his studies.
- True to ( বিশ্বস্ত ) He is true to his master.
- Add to ( যোগ করা ) Add this to that.
- Dispose of ( বিক্রয় করা ) He disposed of his books.
- Head and ears ( সম্পূর্ণরূপে ) He is over head and ears in debt.
- have ones eyes ( কারও হাতে বিস্তর কাজ থাকা )
- Cock and bull story ( গাঁজাখুরি গল্প ) Nobody will believe your cock and bull story
- a piece of cake ( খুবই সহজ ) This assignment is a piece of cake
- At bay ( কোনঠাসা ) The tiger was at bay in the bush.
- Fish out of water ( অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থায় ) When he came to the village, he felt like a fish out of water.