"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

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Appropriate Preposition:

  • Die by ( মারা যাওয়া (বিষ) ) He died by poison.
  • Commence on ( শুরু করা ) Our examination commences on the 3rd July.
  • Admit into ( প্রবেশাধিকার দেওয়া ) He was admitted into the room.
  • Slow of ( ধীর ) He is slow of speech. He is slow at figures. He is slow in writing.
  • Fatal to ( মারাত্মক ) he doctor's mistake proved fatal to his life.
  • Look for ( খোঁজা ) I am looking for a good job.


  • Bone of contention ( বিবাদের বিষয় ) The paternal property is the bone of contention between the two brothers.
  • End in smoke ( ব্যর্থ হওয়া ) All his plans ended in smoke.
  • In force ( বলবৎ ) This law is in force now.
  • have a bad time ( দুশ্চিন্তায় কাল কাটানো ; দুঃসময়ে পড়া )
  • Come off with flying colours ( জয়লাভ করা ) Our School team came off with flying colours.
  • Tooth and nail ( তীব্রভাবে ) He fought tooth and nail against his enemy.

Bangla to English Expressions (Translations):

  • তুমি কি ঠিক সময়টা জেনেছো? - Have you got the right time?
  • আরো দেখান না - Show me some others, please
  • আমি আগের মতই আছি - I am as before
  • কাটাঁ দিয়ে কাটাঁ তোলা - Using a thorn to remove a thorn
  • আমি খুব কম সময়ই টিভি দেখি - I hardly watch Television
  • মানসিক চাপ যত কমানো যায়, ততই শরীরের জন্য ভালো - The less you stress, the better it is for your body