"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Errors in Making Comparisons (Part-2)

General Similarity- Similar to and Similar

Similar to এবং similar দুটোর অর্থই এক। Similar to দুটি noun এর মাঝে তুলনা বোঝায় এবং তাদের মাঝে বসে; similar ও একই কাজে ব্যবহৃত হয় তবে similar বসে noun দুটোর পরে অথবা একটা plural noun এর পরে বাক্যের একেবারে শেষে।

s + v + similar to + noun (This coat is similar to that one.)

s + and + noun + v + similar (This coat and that one are similar.)

s (plural) + v + similar (These coats are similar)

Incorrect: That joke is similar as a joke that I heard.

Correct: That joke is similar to a joke that I heard.

      Or, That joke and a joke that I heard are similar.

Incorrect: Sam’s glasses are similar like mine, but his cost is a lot less.

Correct: Sam’s glasses are similar to mine, but his cost is a lot less.

      Or, Sam’s glasses and mine are similar, but his cost is a lot less.


General Similarity- Like and Alike

দুটি noun-এর তুলনা করতে তাদের মাঝে বসে like, alike আর like বসে বাক্যের শেষে এখানে like হল preposition, আর alike হলো adjective.

s + v + like + noun (This coat is like that one.)

s + and + noun + v + alike (This coat and that one are alike.)

s (plural) + v + alike (These coats are alike.)

Incorrect: Luis and his brother look like.

Correct: Luis looks like his brother.

      Or, Luis and his brother look alike.

Incorrect: Your recipe for chicken is like to recipe that my mother has.

Correct: Your recipe for chicken is like a recipe that my mother has.

      Or, Your recipe for chicken and a recipe that my mother has are alike.


General Difference- Different from and Different

Different from দুটি noun এর মাঝে বসে, আর different সবার শেষে বসে। Different-এর পরে than, to বসবে না।

s + v + different from + noun

s + and + noun + v + different

s (plural) + v + different

This coat is different from that one.

This coat and that one are different.

Or, These coats are different.

Incorrect: A nursery school is different a daycare center.

Correct: A nursery school is different from a daycare center.

      Or, A nursery school and a daycare center are different.

Incorrect: The tour packages that we offer are different that most tours.

Correct: The tour packages that we offer are different from most tours.

      Or, The tour packages that we offer and most tours are different.


Degrees of Comparison- Superlative Adjectives

Incorrect: New York is the larger of all American cities.

Correct: New York is the largest of all American cities.

Incorrect: Of all the candidates, Alex is probably the less qualified.

Correct: Of all the candidates, Alex is probably the least qualified.

Note: দুইয়ের অধিক ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর মধ্যে তুলনা বোঝাতে superlative form ব্যবহার করা হয়।


Degrees of Comparison- Irregular Adjectives

Incorrect: The badest accident in the history of the city occurred last night.

Correct: The worst accident in the history of the city occurred last night.

Incorrect: This composition is more good than your last one.

Correct: This composition is better than your last one.

Note: কিছু কিছু adjective-এর comparative এবং superlative form-এ অনিয়মিত পরিবর্তন লক্ষ্য করা যায়। এগুলো সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকতে হবে।




















Comparison of Adverbs

Incorrect: The train left late than the time on the schedule.

Correct: The train left later than the time on the schedule.

Incorrect: Sara drives more fast than Sahil does.

Correct: Sara drives faster than Sahil does.

Incorrect: I wish we could see each other frequenter.

Correct: I wish we could see each other more frequently.

Note: Adjective-এর মতো কতগুলো adverb-এরও degree of comparison হয়। শেষে ly নেই এমন কতগুলো adverb-এর শেষে er ও est যোগ করে যথাক্রমে comparative ও superlative করতে হয়। আর শেষে ly যুক্ত adverb গুলোর আগে more/ less এবং most/ least বসিয়ে যথাক্রমে comparative ও superlative করা হয়।

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