"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Errors in Making Comparisons

Confusion of Degrees of Comparison

Incorrect: Jack is the poorest of the two students, Jack and Jim.

Correct: Jack is the poorer of the two students, Jack and Jim.

Note: যখন দুইজনের মধ্যে তুলনা করা হয় তখন Comparative degree বসে। দুটির মধ্যে একটিকে বেছে নেয়ার অর্থ প্রকাশ করলে এবং two কথাটির উল্লেখ থাকলে comparative-এর আগে the এবং পরে of বসে। আর ঐ two কথাটির পূর্বেও the বসে।

Incorrect: This is the least expensive of the two cars.

Correct: This is the less expensive of the two cars.

Incorrect: Lisa is taller of the two girls.

Correct: Lisa is the taller of the two girls.


Double Comparative

Incorrect: The metal covering was more stronger than the wooden covering.

Correct: The metal covering was stronger than the wooden covering.

Note: দুটো comparative ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।

Incorrect: The bill which we received was more higher than the estimate.

Correct: The bill which we received was higher than the estimate.


Using As, That instead of Than

Incorrect: This room is more spacious as the other one.

Correct: This room is more spacious than the other one.

Incorrect: The book is more interesting that the other one.

Correct: The book is more interesting than the other one.

Note: Comparative adjective-এর বেলায় than-এর পরিবর্তে as বা that বসানো যাবে না।


Illogical Comparatives

Incorrect: The climate of Cox’s Bazar is better than Dhaka.

Correct: The climate of Cox’s Bazar is better than that of Dhaka.

Incorrect: The time in New York differs three hours from Los Angeles.

Correct: The time in New York differs three hours from that of Los Angeles.

Note: তুলনা সবসময় সমজাতীয় জিনিসের সাথে হয়, অসম জাতীয় জিনিসের মধ্যে তুলনা হয় না।


Comparative Estimates- Multiple Numbers

Multiple numbers হলো:


four times


five times


ten times



Multiple number-এর পরেও as বসে, so বসে না।

Incorrect: The rent of college apartments is only half so much as you pay here.

Correct: The rent of college apartments is only half as much as you pay here.

Note: Comparative estimation-এ multiple number ব্যবহৃত হলে more than বসে না; বরং as much as অথবা as many as বসে।

Incorrect: Fresh fruit costs twice more than canned fruit.

Correct: Fresh fruit costs twice as much as canned fruit.

Note: As many as বসে Countable idea-এর পূর্বে আর as much as বসে uncountable noun-এর পূ্র্বে।

Incorrect: We have half as much as we need.

Correct: We have half as many as we need.


Specific Similarity- Quality Adjectives

Incorrect: Nisa is as old like Tisa.

Correct: Nisa is as old as Tisa.

Incorrect: Faisal’s English is not so clear than Lisa’s.

Correct: Faisal’s English is not so clear as Lisa’s.

Note: Quality adjective-এর পরে to, than, like বসে না। Quality adjective হলো সেই adjective যা দিয়ে বাক্যে উল্লেখিত noun-এর quality বোঝানো হয়। Quality adjective-এর পরে শুধু as বসে।


Specific Similarity- Quality Nouns

কতিপয় Quality Nouns:









মনে রাখতে হবে, Quality Noun-এর পূর্বে the same এবং পরে as বসে, as ভিন্ন to, than, like বসে না।

Incorrect: I wanted to buy a blazer of the same size like this I’m wearing.

Correct: I wanted to buy a blazer of the same size as this I’m wearing.

Incorrect: The gold chain that I saw is the same weight to yours.

Correct: The gold chain that I saw is the same weight as yours.


Absolute Adjective in Comparison

কিছু কিছু adjective এবং ‍adverb-এর comparison হয় না, কারণ এরা complete বা absolute এবং এদের কমবেশী বুঝানো যায় না। যেমন- Circular adjective-টিকে আমরা absolute বলতে পারি, কারণ কোনো একটা জিনিস হয় circular হবে অথবা হবে না। কিন্তু কোনো একটা জিনিস more বা most circular হতে পারে না। এ ধরনের absolute idea comparison-এ ব্যবহৃত হলে তার আগে more nearly বসে।

Incorrect: This box is more square than that one.

Correct: This box is more nearly square than that one.

Incorrect: This desk is less circular than that one.

Correct: This desk is less nearly circular than that one.

Incorrect: These lines are more parallel than those.

Correct: These lines are more nearly parallel than those.


Exact similarly- the same as and the same

The same as এবং the same এর অর্থ একই; অর্থাৎ এদের মধ্যে অর্থগত কোনো ব্যবধান নেই। তবে এদের মধ্যে অবস্থানগত ব্যবধান রয়েছে। The same as বসে মাঝে এবং এর পরে noun বসে। আর the same বাক্যের একেবারে শেষে অর্থাৎ এর পর অন্য কোনো শব্দ বসে না।

s + v + the same as + noun (This coat is the same as that one.)

s + and + noun + v + the same (This coat and that one are the same.)

s (plural) + v + the same (These coats are the same.)

Incorrect: My briefcase is exactly the same that yours.

Correct: My briefcase is exactly the same as yours.

      Or, My briefcase and yours are exactly the same.

Incorrect: That car is almost the same like mine.

Correct: That car is almost the same as mine.

      Or, That car and mine/ my car are almost the same.

Incorrect: Is your book the same to mine?

Correct: Is your book the same as mine?

      Or, Are your book and mine the same.

Incorrect: Are this picture and the one on your desk same?

Correct: Are this picture and the one on your desk the same?

      Or, Is this picture the same as the one on your desk?



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