"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Appropriate Preposition:

  • Ill with ( অসুস্থ ) He is ill with fever.
  • Offended with ( বিরক্ত (ব্যক্তি) ) I am offended with you at your conduct.
  • Live by ( কোন উপায়ে বেঁচে থাকা ) He lives by honest means.
  • Oblige to ( বাধিত করা ) I am obliged to him for his co-operation.
  • Close to ( নিকটে ) The school is very close to our house.
  • Believe in ( বিশ্বাস করা ) I do not believe in his honesty.


  • vile sycophant ( খঁয়ের খা )
  • a rotten apple ( কোনো একটা দলের সব ভালোর মধ্যে খারাপ বা মন্দটা ) In any group of average citizens there are bound to be a few rotten apples.
  • At large ( স্বাধীন ) The anti-socials are still at large.
  • Man of straw ( অপদার্থ লোক ) We do not care a fig for a man of straw like him.
  • In the long run ( পরিশেষে ) You will have to suffer in the long run.
  • Man of letters ( পন্ডিত লোক ) Sir Ashutosh Mukherjee was a man of letters.