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Appropriate Preposition:
- Count for ( গণ্য হওয়া ) His advice counts for nothing.
- Despair of ( নিরাশ হওয়া ) Do not despair of success.
- Rejoice at ( আনন্দ করা ) Every one rejoiced at her success.
- Rich in ( সম্পদশালী ) Bangladesh is rich in minerals.
- Endowed with ( ভূষিত ) He is endowed with talents.
- Responsible to ( দায়ী (প্রাধিকার) ) He is responsible to the committee for his action.
- On the spur of the moment ( মুহুর্তের উত্তেজনায় ) He did it on the spur of the moment.
- Make both ends meet ( আয়ব্যয় মেলানো ) I cannot make both ends meet with my small income.
- Bring to light ( প্রকাশ করা ) At last all the facts were brought to light.
- Fish out of water ( অস্বস্তিকর অবস্থায় ) When he came to the village, he felt like a fish out of water.
- Take to heart ( মর্মাহত হওয়া ) He took his remark to heart.
- In fine ( পরিশেষ ) In fine he declared his plan.
Bangla to English Expressions (Translations):
- আমি লেখালেখি করি - I do writing
- কিভাবে একথা বলতে পারলে? - How could you say that?
- প্রকৃত ঘটনা হচ্ছে যে.........। - The real thing/ fact is that…….
- তিনি মুশকিলে পরেছেন - He has got into a trouble
- যেটি হোক না কেন? - Whichever?
- ভোর হয়-হয় এমন সময় ট্রেন ছাড়ল - The train started as the day was breaking