"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Errors in Using Nouns

Determining the Real Subject

Incorrect: A list of seventy students have been sent to me.

Correct: A list of seventy students has been sent to me.

Note: উপরের বাক্যে subject হলো মূলত a list, আর of seventy students হলো a list-এর plural modifier. A list যেহেতু singular এর পরে singular verb-ই বসবে।

Incorrect: A trio of girls were scheduled to sing.

Correct: A trio of girls was scheduled to sing.

Incorrect: The cluster of grapes are thick.

Correct: The cluster of grapes is thick.


Parenthetical Elements Between Subject and Verb

Incorrect: Dr. Umar, with his five fraternity brothers, are in the club.

Correct: Dr. Umar, with his five fraternity brothers, is in the club.

Note: Subject এবং verb-এর মধ্যে কোনো parenthetical element বসলে তা subject-এর উপর কোনো প্রভাব ফেলতে পারে না। তাই subject অনুসারেই verb নির্ধারিত হয়। উপরের বাক্যে Dr. Umar-এর number অনুসারে verb-এর number নির্ধারিত হয়েছে।

Incorrect: Mr. Arif, together with some friends and neighbors, are planning a celebration.

Correct: Mr. Arif, together with some friends and neighbors, is planning a celebration.


Collective Nouns

Incorrect: The jury are giving their verdict now.

Correct: The jury is giving its verdict now.

Incorrect: The committee are empowered to make a recommendation.

Correct: The committee is empowered to make a recommendation.

Note: Collective noun হচ্ছে দুই বা ততোধিক ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুর সমষ্টিগত রূপ এবং তা হয় singular. তবে অনেকসময় collective noun-গুলো plural idea দিয়ে থাকে। তখন এদের noun of multitude বলা হয় এবং এদের পরে plural verb বসে।

Incorrect: The jury is arguing among itself.

Correct: The jury are arguing among themselves.


Collective Ideas

Incorrect: Soup and salad, are too light a lunch.

Correct: Soup and salad, is too light a lunch.

Incorrect: Playing the piano and singing simultaneously are difficult.

Correct: Playing the piano and singing simultaneously is difficult.

Note: উপরের বর্ণিত দুটি subject-ই collective idea প্রকাশ করে, আর collective idea-এর পরে সবসময়ই singular verb বসে।


Subjects Joined by Conjunction ‘Or’

Incorrect: Luna or I are to lead the discussion.

Correct: Luna or I am to lead the discussion.

Incorrect: They or he are certain to be called.

Correct: They or he is certain to be called.

Note: Conjunction ‘or’, ‘nor’ দ্বারা দুটি subject হলে নিকটবর্তী subject অনুযায়ী verb নির্ধারিত হয়।

Incorrect: ‍Saira or her sisters has done it.

Correct: ‍Saira or her sisters have done it.


Double Subject

Incorrect: Nila and I we took the long road.

Correct: Nila and I took the long road.

Incorrect: Nira’s sister she took the car home.

Correct: Nira’s sister took the car home.

Note: অনেক সময় অনেকে অতিরিক্ত subject ব্যবহার করেন যা ভুল। Subject এবং double subject-এর মধ্যে কমা (,) ব্যবহার করলেও তা সঠিক হয় না।

Incorrect: The teachers, they like the idea.

Correct: The teachers like the idea.


Correlative Conjunctions and Subjects

যে conjunction-গুলো জোড়ায় জোড়ায় ব্যবহৃত হয় সেগুলো correlative conjunction. আর এই correlative conjunctions দ্বারা subject যুক্ত হলে দ্বিতীয় subject অনুযায়ী verb নির্ধারিত হয়।

Incorrect: Neither Jack nor Jim are responsible.

Correct: Neither Jack nor Jim is responsible.

Incorrect: Either Charlie or his brothers has done it.

Correct: Either Charlie or his brothers have done it.






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