"I was reading the dictionary. I thought
it was a poem about everything."
                     --Steven Wright

Errors in Using Adverbs

Adverbs Mistaken for a Pronoun

Incorrect: My greatest thirst is when I work hard in a strong sun.

Note: বাক্যটি ভুল, কারণ এখানে thirst (noun)= when I work hard in a strong sun (adverbial clause) দেখানো হয়েছে যা ব্যাকরণগতভাবে শুদ্ধ নয়। Noun (thirst)-এর equation-এ কেবল noun (noun, pronoun, noun clause)-ই থাকতে পারে।

Correct: My greatest thirst is that which comes when I work hard in a strong sun. (এখানে thirst= ‘that’ pronoun দেখানো হয়েছে)

Correct: My greatest thirst comes when I work hard in a strong sun. (এখানে adverbial clause ‘when I work hard in a strong sun’ বসানো ঠিক আছে, কারণ তা ‘comes’ verb-টি modify করছে।)

Incorrect: Mr. Jacob’s realization of defeat was after the judge announced his ruling.

Correct: Mr. Jacob’s realization of defeat came after the judge announced his ruling.

      Or, Mr. Jacob realized his defeat after the judge announced his ruling.

Note: Substantive (nominal group)-এর স্থানে adverbial modifier ব্যবহার করা যাবে না।


Is when-Is where

‘When’ এবং ‘Where’ হলো adverbs; তাই এরা noun clause-এর শুরুতে বসতে পারে না।

Incorrect: Illiteracy is when a man cannot read or write.

Correct: Illiteracy is the condition of the man who cannot read or write.

Note: এখানে লক্ষ্য করুন, ‘is’ verb-টির পরে একটা noun বা noun equivalent দরকার যা হবে একটি subjective complement এবং যার শুরুতে কোনো adverb থাকবে না। কিন্তু এখানে ‘is’ verb-টির পরে বসেছে একটি adverbial clause এবং যার শুরুতে রয়েছে একটি adverb. তাই বাক্যটি ভুল।

Incorrect: Erosion is where the soil is washed away.

Correct: Erosion occurs when the soil is washed away.

Incorrect: A fatality is where someone has been killed.

Correct: A fatality is an instance in which someone is killed.

Incorrect: Now is when he should be on hand.

Correct: Now is the time when he should be on hand.


Interrogative Use of Where

Incorrect: Where is the college at?

Correct: Where is the college?

Incorrect: Where did Umar see the tiger at when he was hunting?

Correct: Where did Umar see the tiger when he was hunting?

Note: যখন adverb ‘Where’ interrogatively ব্যবহৃত হয় তখন এর সাথে preposition বসবে না ।


Where- That

Incorrect: I see in this book where the city of Dallas has a large museum.

Correct: I see in this book that the city of Dallas has a large museum.

Note: Relative pronoun ‘that’-এর পরিবর্তে adverb ‘where’ বসানো যাবে না।


Why- That

Incorrect: The reason why James came is that he needs rest.

Correct: The reason that James came is that he needs rest.

Incorrect: This is the reason why Sima works hard.

Correct: This is the reason that Sima works hard.

Note: Why হলো adverb; আর that কখনো pronoun, কখনো adjective. Relative pronoun ‘that’-এর বিকল্প হিসেবে why বসানো যাবে না। অনেক ক্ষেত্রে ‘why’ word-টি একই সাথে adverb এবং conjunction-এর কাজ করে থাকে। তখন একে conjunctive adverb বলে।

Shoma never knew why he came.

We explained why we were interested in the plan.

I am unable to say why he is here.


Negative Emphasis

Never, not until, no sooner, not only, rarely, hardly, only, seldom, very seldom, only rarely, not once, never again ইত্যাদি adverbগুলো বাক্যের প্রথমে থাকলে এদের পরে অবশ্যই auxiliary verb বসবে এবং তারপর subject বসবে।

Incorrect: Only rarely an accident has occurred.

Correct: Only rarely has an accident occurred.

Incorrect: Not once Sara and Atif have invited us to their house.

Correct: Not once have Sara and Atif invited us to their house.

Incorrect: Very seldom a movie can hold my attention like this one.

Correct: Very seldom can a movie hold my attention like this one.

Incorrect: Never again they will stay in that hotel.

Correct: Never again will they stay in that hotel.


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