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Appropriate Preposition:
- Careful of ( যত্নবান ) He is careful of his money.
- Disgusted at ( বিরক্ত ) I am disgusted with him at his conduct.
- Equal to ( সমতুল্য (কাজ) ) He rose equal to the occasion.
- Differ with ( ভিন্ন মত হওয়া (ব্যক্তি) ) I differ with you on this point.
- Rely on ( নির্ভর করা ) You can rely on him.
- Preside over ( সভাপতিত্ব করা ) He presided over the meeting.
- be bad at ( দক্ষ না হওয়া )
- Out of doors ( বাহিরে ) It is rather cold out of doors.
- Take one to task ( তিরস্কার করা ) He was taken to task for negligence of duty.
- All on a sudden ( হঠাৎ ) All on a sudden a tiger came out of the bush.
- Man of straw ( অপদার্থ লোক ) We do not care a fig for a man of straw like him.
- pulling your leg ( কৌতক করা ) Do not take it seriously, i was just pulling you leg
Bangla to English Expressions (Translations):
- অবশ্যই, এটা ঠিক আছে - Sure, that's fine
- কি চমৎকার ধারণা! - What a great idea?
- সে আমার একজন কলিগ - He's a colleague
- ও কথা ছেয়ে দাও - Let the matter drop
- চা এত বেশী গরম যে পান করা যায় না - The tea is too hot to drink
- খেয়ে-খেয়ে তার খিদে মরে গেছে - He has lost his appetite by overeating himself